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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

LAD #5 - Washington's "Proclamatin of Neutrality 1793"

Washington recognizes that increased tensions between Austria Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain, the Netherlands and France have escalated into war. Since there are varying views to whom the United States should support, this proclamation expresses Washington’s opinion that he believes it would be in the best interest that the U.S. took no side. He warns citizens to avoid all acts and proceedings, which might in any way, convince one of the powers that the U.S. has chosen a side. Washington warns that if Americans were to aid or attack any of the said power, they would no longer receive the protection of the United States. Instructions were given to officers to prosecute those who violate the law of nations, with respect to the powers at war. The proclamation was signed in Philadelphia, on April 22, 1793.


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