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Thursday, February 15, 2007

LAD#25 - 14 points

President Woodrow Wilson delivered his Fourteen Points to Congress on January 8th, 1918. It adressed that representatives from the Central Empires have presented means of the possible basis of a general peace. The Russian representatvies presented a definite statement of the pricniples and a program of the concrete applicationf of thus said principles. The representaives of the Central Powers also presented a less definite outline of settlement. Which proposed no concessions. Wilson tells the Congress of the Russians' just and wise conferences they have been holding with statesmen in open doors. Yet the Central Powers, thought they have no vaguenesss or uncertainty remain in their own secret counsel. The vioce of the Russian people call for definitions of unsaid principles and purposes. The United States entered the war because of violations of right and thus wish to make the wolrd right in peace, liberty, and life. Then fourteen specific points are presented to the Congress. Adressing how the nations should meet to find general peace; navigation of the seas, the removal of tarrifs, how terrotiry should be returned, rebuilt, or redistributed; the readjustment of frontiers; the guarantuee of the freed people's freedom,; and finally that a general association of nations must be formed to guarantee politcal independence and teriitorial integrity. This was the basis for the United Nations today, then called the League of Nations which was quite useless.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

LAD#24 - The Clayton Antitrust Act, 1914

The act decrees that it is unlawful for any business to discriminate in price between different consumers who are purchasing items of the same grade and quality especially if it should in anyway create a type of monopoly. One may not pay to an intermediary representative. Also the Clayton Antitrust act prohibited any type of merger or acquisition that could lessen competition. A person was not allowed to be in charge of two or more competing corporations. Those who are affected by the creation of a monopoly or the lessening of competition may sure for damages done unto them. The act also declared that rebates and discounts cannot be discrimnatory and must be open to the public is offered at any point. The Clayton Antitrust Act is backed and enforced by the Federal Trade Commission.

LAD#23 - Keating-Owen Act

The 1900 census revealed an immense number of child laborers thus sparking a movement to end child labor in the United States. In 1908, the Nation Child Labor committee hired Lewis HIne to photograph and report on the atrocities of child labor, which had detrimental effects on the wellbeing and welfare of children who worked. One of the most successful attacks was Charles Dickens' novel Oliver Twist. The Keating-Owen bill of 1916 was the first child labor bill based on the government's ability to control interstate commerce to regulate child labor. The bill banned the sale of products from places which used child labor, but was ultimately deemed unconstitutional in Hammer v. Dagenhart, where child labor was considered to be local trade. A constitutional amendment was then proposed, but was later stalled by an effective campaign in the 1920s against it. The first successful labor law was the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

LAD#22 - Wilson's First Inaugural

Delivered by Woodrow Wilson on Tuesday, March 4th, 1913. He begins by first addressing the fact that there has been a Democratic shift in government. That the change should be welcomed as a time when the people can be refreshed by new insight. Wilson reminds America that the United States has become a body of wealth due to the rise of industry, diversity, and swept with energy. Yet, even with its strongest attributes is the "gold that has been corroded", referring to corrupt. Thus new visions helps the nation to approach new affairs with the duty to cleanse and to restore; correcting evil without impurifying the good. Wilson addresses specific points that should be alter. Such as the tariffs, which he believes cuts the U.S. from her proper part in world commerce. Also, the protection and guarantee of the well-being of the American people have been left unguarded. "The first duty of law is to keep sound the society it serve."