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Sunday, March 25, 2007

LAD#29 - the Truman Doctrine

President Truman adressed the Congress on March 12th, 1947 regarding issues in Greece and Turket. He told them that the Greek government had presented an urgent appeal for financial and economic assistance, which was imperative to give if Greece was to survive as a free nation. He reminded Congress that Greece was a poor nation who had suffered invasion, cruel enemy occupation, and bitter internal strife. Germans had destroyed almost all the infrastructure. Truman argued that it was the nation's democratic duty to aid Greece. Turkey, was also in almost the same condition as Greece, which is why Turkey also required the assistance of the United States. Truman argues that the United States made an investment of world freedom and peace with $341,000,000,000 which went towards winning World War II. That if the United States falter in their leadership, it woudl endanger the peace of the worl, and the welfare of the nation as well.


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