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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

LAD #6 - Washington's Farewell Address 1796

George Washington’s Farewell Address can be ranked as one of the best political papers. The first paragraph addresses the inquiry many had about whether or not Washington would run for president. Washington wrote that he had decided “to decline being considered among a number of those out of whom a choice is to made”. Thus pulling out of the presidential election. Therfore essentially senting a precedent of only running for two terms. He assured America that he has put great thought into this decision, taking into consideration his duties as a citizen and much more. He urged the importance of keeping the Constitution so that liberty and virtue remained for all citizens. Washington stressed the importance to keep unity throughout the whole country. This unity would make America a strong and successful force to be reckoned with. Those who try to weaken the unity of the country should not be trusted. Washington felt that sectionalism was bad, and left the country relatively unprotected. Since sectionalism could prevent, the states from coming together for the greater good and protection of the citizens of the United States. He warned how destroying the Constitution or breaking the laws could ultimately destroy the Union. Plus, if the Constitution was increasedly ignored more and more factions would arise slowly splitting the young country apart. An increase amount of factions would cause the great principles of democracy. Washington warned against the political difficulties and disunity created by political parties. At the time the two political parties, the Anti-Federalist and Federalist already made running the country a bit bumpier. If these parties gained more power and size, the government would no longer be able to guarantee liberty and a democratic government in the United States. He stated that religion and morality were most important to ensure political prosperity. Washington warned against the trouble that could be caused by allies. He felt the U.S. should focus instead on the affairs of their country free for the foreign influence of allies and other such foreign nonsense. By taking a neutral position, the U.S. was also had a basic guarantee to be safe from attacks from stronger nations. Washington asked the citizens of America to pay heed to his wishes, and thanked them for supporting him, and prayed for the continuing prosperity and liberty of the United States.


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