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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

LAD #9 - The Seneca Falls Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence is widely known as one of the most important documents in American history. Its' sister, the Declaration of Sentiments paved the way for the women's rights. The 1848 Seneca Falls Convention gave birth to the Declaration of Sentiments and was signed by sixty-eight women and thirty-two men. The first paragraph is essentially the opening of the Declaration of Independence but adapted to fit the call of women's rights and equality in a male-dominated society. Following this is a list of women's grievances caused by man. They are examples of how society and men have oppressed women in spirit and equal liberty. That men have restricted women's rights, ability to own property. Also included was how men have impeded women's equal opportunity away in the home, society, and Church. These strong-willed women acknowledged that they will face opposition to achieve these rights, but will continue to do so until their status is equaled to that of a man. The Resolutions part of the Declaration of Sentiments stated that women were equal to men under God and society. In the subject of morals and religion, it is the right and duty of women, equally with men, to promote every righteous cause by every righteous means.


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