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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

LAD #10 - President Polk's Presidential Message

President Polk addressed the Senate and House of Representatives on May 11, 1846 regarding foreign relations with Mexico. Both nations wanted to work together for better relations. Mexico and the US did not come to this conclusion without putting a great deal of time and consideration into such an important treaty. In fact American Diplomats were sent to Mexican Territories in order to establish the best regulations for the treaty. These negotiations though well wanted were hard to achieve. Yet border disputes were settled; the Rio del Norte became the accepted northern border of Mexico and the southern border of the US. Polk k supported military presence in the area in just case, to secure the country against invasion. Yet this alliance with Mexico soon fell apart, when Mexico revealed their intentions to take over Texas. ON April 14, the Mexicans attacked and sixteen were killed or wounded. Following this foreign relations with Mexico declined immensely. Economy was affected since commerce could no longer take place peacefully. Polk assures the public that he will do everything in his power to protect and secure the rights and lives of the American people. Yet should war occur, the nation would be called upon to uphold the honor, rights, and interests of the country. He asks Congress to recognize the existence of war and prosecute the war with vigor, thus hastening the restoration of peace


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