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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

LAD#18 - McKinley's War Message

On March 1898, the government sent an ultimatum to Madrid demanding Spain to cease all fighting. On April 11th, President McKinley asked Congress to take step to bring an end to the conflict in Cuba. McKinley explained that the Cuban conflicts have subjected the United States to great effort and expense in enforcing its neutrality. Also many American interests suffered because of the uprisings. He stated in his annual message of December that only recognition of the insurgents, recognition of Cuban independence, or intervention as an ally were the only options of pacifying the situation. Several statements supported the forcible intervention of the United States as a neutral. That it would be for all humanity to end the bloodshed and misery of the United States’ neighbor. To protect the life and property of Cubans since there is no rightful government to do it for them. Also intervention would be on the behalf of American economy, protecting interests on the island. In conclusion, McKinley felt that the conflicts in Cuba were a constant menace to “our peace and entails upon this government an enormous expense”. He gave an example of how elements of danger and disorder had already found the shores of the United States, in the sinking of the Main, which proved the state was Cuba was intolerable. McKinley urged Congress to authorize and empower the President to take measure of intervention even though, the Queen Regent of Spain had proclaimed a suspension of hostilities. He felt it was an empty promise and declared that if it failed, “it will be only another justification for our contemplated action”.


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