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Thursday, November 16, 2006

LAD#12 - Lincoln's 1st Inaugural Address.

President Abraham Lincoln delivered his first inaugural address on March 4, 1861, thus becoming President of a divided nation. The main ideas of Lincoln's address concerned sectionalism and slavery. He addressed the fact that many people of the Southern States felt that their property, aka slaves, their peace, and personal security were endangered. Yet he continues to say, he will have no purpose to interfere with the issue of slavery in the States, since Lincoln believes he has no right to do so nor the inclination to do so. It was the right of each State to order and control its own institutions accordingly. When addressing the controversy of runaway property, he assures that the property, peace, and security of no section are to be any ways endangered. He refers to the Constitution, reading a clause that says in a nutshell, any fugitive slave (property) will not be freed but delivered up on the claim of the owner. Lincoln acknowledges that there is some difference of opinions whether this clause should be enforced by national or by State authority, but he calls such difference, not very material. Yet it should not matter who enforces such a clause, but more of should the clause even be enforced. Lincoln urges the nation to stay remain as one. Making historical allusions, to previous presidents and the founding of the nation. If the destruction of the Union should take place, than it is less perfect than before the Constitution. He assures that he will do everything in his power derived from the Constitution, to execute the laws of the Union in all states. Though there is no need for bloodshed or violence, there will be none unless forced upon the national authority. He implores those who wish to disrupt the Union, to consider the whole Union as well, and not just of their own securities. "Physically speaking, we can not separate" supports his statements that the United States of American must not become dis-united. Lincoln closes his speech in saying the American people that the issue of civil war is in their hands and that sections must not be enemies but friends.


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